Congrats! You have been selected for the Polo Health + Longevity Centre Weight Loss campaign!
When I read the email from Dr. Polo’s clinic that told me I had been selected to participate in a Naturopath supervised weight loss program my heart dropped down and settled into my middle-aged spread. I also felt a confusing mix of excitement, elation and dread mixed with anxiety in the pit of my stomach, which also has a few fatty fat cell friends to deal with I might add. All jokes aside, because they aren’t funny anyway, I was plain ol’ scared out of my mind. What have I gotten myself into?
The weight is piling on
So I got some help. I was feeling pretty sad, irritable and miserable a lot so I went to the doctor. I’ve been on antidepressants for about five months now and feel better but I feel like eating all. the. time. The pills aren’t helping in that regard which is not a good combination. Or maybe it’s just that I don’t monitor what goes in my mouth. I know that when I feel like what I am doing isn’t making a difference or if I struggle with my ability to parent, I eat.And the guilt I feel around my inability to keep my emotions in check, read ANGER, is not helping. I get angry about getting angry which is messed up I think. And then there’s the fact that my partner loves me just the way I am.I know, crazy right? In theory, what more could a woman want? But when he’s eating snacks late at night, and he’s slim, it is easy for me to say ‘Hey if he can eat that, so can I!’
See what I mean? My mind plays tricks on me.
Eating too much sugar brings on the crazy. And the tired. And the bloating which leads to…more eating. Sigh…
I need to break these habits but I don’t think at this point I can do it alone.
Which brings us back to the challenge at hand.
40 Pounds in 40 Days
Holy Cr*p, right? Just thinking about committing to a program that promises I will drop weight this quickly scares the bejesus out of me.
Yes I know it sounds impossible, crazy even, to lose forty pounds in forty days. But after meeting Dr. Polo and listening to her talk about the program I felt confident that it might work for me. Although most of the people who have lost 40 pounds in 40 days are men, (yet another reason to shake my fist at them) I think I can get close to that target.
‘How do you lose forty pounds in forty days?’
I’m glad you asked! I will be outlining the process in more detail over the next few weeks but I will tell you this.
First of all, I’ll be eating less, a whole lot less, and taking hCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone that promotes the mobilization of fat stores, redistributes and reshapes the body’s fat deposits when combined with a very low-calorie diet. hCG also ‘tricks’ the body into not only thinking it’s not hungry but also prevents lean muscle tissue from being used as fuel rather than fat. That all sounds amazing! Can I hear a hells yeah?!
But, that’s all I will say for now. You’ll have to follow my journey here on the blog. I’ll post photos and give you as much detail as I can and still keep it fun to read. Have you joined the email list yet?
Follow the Pound a Day Challenge
I am looking forward to having more energy, a stronger sense of well-being, mental clarity and heightened thought processes, improved sleep and most of all feeling less irritable and moody. And I’m sure family will appreciate these things too. I am excited for that. I only hope I have what it takes to complete the process. Your encouragement, the guidance of Dr. Polo and the support of the three other local bloggers taking part in this challenge will be so important to my success.
Stay tuned next week to see how I’m doing and to find out more about the program.
Feel it
Embrace it
Accept it
Revive and let go
See you next week!
[Tweet “RT I’m following Lee-Anne’s progress to lose 40 pounds in 40 days! Cheer her on! #PoloWeightLoss”]
You go girl! I think you look fabulous, but I completely understand not feeling your best… and that sucks. I can’t wait to follow you on this amazing journey!
A pound a day!! Okie dokie