Hi. Thanks for joining me here. Are you enjoying your day so far?
What are you doing right now? Are you sipping on a hot cup of tea with your computer on your lap? Are you snuggled up in your favourite blanket or next to your loved one sharing this read? Or have you had a crappy day and are looking to escape? You’ve come to the right place.
This post is the third day in the series 50 Days to Grace and is a tool I am using to invite more inspiration and grace into my life. I hope that it can be that for you too.
Daily Gratitude Makes Perfect Sense
Practicing daily gratitude is a wonderful way to bring balance and perspective to our hectic lives. Focusing on what is good and wonderful about the world around us is helpful when all we’d rather do is stick our heads under the covers and sulk. We need to develop coping skills that will help us pull ourselves out of the muck when things get rough. It takes time to develop this practice but don’t worry about being perfect. It’s not necessary.
We Attract That Which We Think About
Have you ever wondered about the power of your thoughts? Do you ever worry about why you don’t have what you want in your life?
Worrying about what you don’t have will attract that very thing to you. It’s the way the universe works. It’s not easy to change how we think as our brains are full of messages that go whizzing by about who we think we are or how we think others perceive us. It can seem impossible to sift through it all to come up with a reasonable sense of how we fit in or who we are.
Sometimes it seems better to bury our heads under the blankets and try to forget about it all. But using this strategy may actually invite more of that into your life. In order to attract a different set of circumstances, thoughts, friends or what have you, we need to turn that strategy on its head and come up with a new plan.
How do we do that? Read on.
Grace Will Find You
Did you know that you have everything you need to live your best life, right now? Did you know that you have all the answers, but that you just need to pay attention to what you think or do or say? If you want something in your life to be different you need to think differently. Your paradigm, or the lens you look through on your life, just needs refocusing.
Practice Gratitude
The best thing you can do to develop a ‘gratitude practice’ is to just start. Just start by looking for things that bring you joy and are inspired by instead of what’s wrong. If that seems difficult, ask yourself, ‘What am I grateful for?’ and then wait for the answer.
When you get comfortable with expressing gratitude for the small things, try it on something more significant. That could be an important person in your life. It could be someone with which you have a difficult relationship. Find one thing that you are grateful for and see how you feel.
Do it every day. Once you’ve developed a consistent practice of extending gratitude in your life you’ll notice grace showing up in amazing ways. I promise.
If you would like to read more quiet thoughts from this series, 50 Days to Grace, make sure to follow along by email.
Thanks for reading.
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