UPDATED: Vote at ANY polling station TODAY
I used to be a non-voter. In fact, it is only in recent years that I’ve cared at all about the politics of government. I couldn’t get over the fact that for the most part, none of THEM follow through on what they promise. They downright lie or ’embellish’ the truth, providing alternative facts, as they are now known. For the most part they seem to get away with it.
Regardless of how bleak things appear on this front, I still vote.
I’m not going to tell you that I am up on all the issues but with a kid in public school I’ve been a little savvier on what’s been going on. In a nutshell, I care more now because now it affects my family. So with the B.C. Election only days away, I am asking you to please consider voting and have your voice heard.
I know the process isn’t perfect and I KNOW that choosing the lesser of many evils seems just plain stupid. But until we all get out there and vote we can’t change anything and complaining about it is counterproductive. Just think what might have happened had the people who didn’t want Trump in but hated Hillary had just sucked it up and voted. There would be a very different situation down south.
On the other hand, it has made for some sh*t-disturbingly, frightening reality tv. Jokes! Just jokes. It’s a travesty down there, for sure.
In all seriousness though, because this is an important ask, there are many reasons why exercising your right to vote is a good thing. Here are just a few.
Top 7 Reasons to Give a Crap about the B.C. Election
- Voting is part of the democratic process. Without it, we don’t have democracy. That is bad. Democracy is good. There are many people in this world who don’t have the right to vote. We do. So do it.
- Voting is your duty as a citizen of this country. It’s certainly not mandatory but it is your right. Even if you don’t know a lot about politics, there are plenty of ways to figure out whose side you are on. Check out VoteCompass, an interesting poll to see where your views fit into the political landscape and who you would then be inclined to vote for.
- Pick an issue or a few that you care about, I mean really care about. If it is about fully funding public education, or increasing social housing or putting a clamp down on outrageous housing prices, for example, find the candidate that feels the same way you do and vote for them.
- If you’ve never voted, now is your chance! You can feel good knowing you took part in the process.
- Have your voice heard to prevent government greed from destroying the environment.
- Use your vote to ensure your tax money is spent on services like health care that benefit the population.
- Use your vote to take big money corruption out of politics.
There are many more reasons to vote, of course. If you are not participating in this election, ask yourself who that decision really serves. Because not voting is a decision. And one you’ll have to live with.
Go social and follow #BCelxn17. Then go out and VOTE!
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