Hey small biz owners! Did you know that you are one of 1.2 million small businesses in Canada? October is Small Business Month in Canada, a celebration highlighting entrepreneurs, their companies and the positive impact businesses like yours have on the country. According to Industry Canada, a …
Kid Friendly Recipes for your Weekend
I love it when kid friendly recipes I find on the net become staples in our family diet for years to come. I enjoy experimenting so even if I don't have all the ingredients in the pantry I can improvise. Most of the time my new creations turn out even better, unless my sweet …
My Little Pony ~ Friendship Games: Enter to WIN a DVD Prize Pack!
I am not the kind of parent who believes that TV is the devil. Rather, I am the mom who becomes the *devil if I can't get a bit of peace. Just ask the hubs (AKA The Serious One, who by the way is no longer so SERIOUS, I just haven't come up with another nickname yet) now that our son sleeps …