This article is part of the series SkinCare Diaries and was originally published back in 2012. I reposted it today because I wanted to update you on how my son's skin is faring now that he's nearly four years old. I usually write about skin care products I've tried or tips for a quick morning …
Letter from Retired Specialist Teacher running for Surrey BC Trustee
This post continues the dialogue about the crisis in BC Education. If you want to read more posts on this topic, please click HERE. I am a learning support teacher and retired last year, the truth being that the underfunded educational environment had started to affect my health. It was the best …
REBLOG: Motherless Moments, Thank you #bctf #bcpoli #bced, not really
This post was reblogged with permission from Motherless Moments. Danielle's daughter goes to public school in BC and has autism. Thank you #bctf #bcpoli #bced, not really. (There will be grammar mistakes, but I don’t care right now.) Today would have been the first official day of summer …