We went to Science World but OLM was very, very tired and didn't last more than an hour. And then it was a battle to get him home, including a bout of screaming, biting and pinching. And no, it wasn't me doing the biting although I was tempted. Dropping his nap today. Ba ha ha ha... OLM has been …
5 PINS I Love
I'm starting a new series here on Mom Paradigm. I'm a big fan of Pinterest and I think many of you out there are too, so I thought it might be fun to collect my favourite pins and share them here with you. Each week I'll focus on a different board I've created, and because I've been pining for a …
What is your definition of sexy?
What is sexy? When it comes to sexy, what is your definition? Do you automatically think about grooming as in your body hair needs to come off now, or are you an au natural kind of person? I'm thinking not. I'm thinking that perhaps you have other ideas about what sexy is, as I do. Whatever your …