I haven't been this excited in a long time. As a non-closet science geek, because anyone who knows me knows that I have a deep love of scientific explanations for pretty much everything and would never hide it, I am over the moon to participate in an adult-only science everything field trip! We are …
7 Reasons to Give a Crap about Voting in BC
UPDATED: Vote at ANY polling station TODAY I used to be a non-voter. In fact, it is only in recent years that I've cared at all about the politics of government. I couldn't get over the fact that for the most part, none of THEM follow through on what they promise. They downright lie or 'embellish' …
Surprise! I’m not dead.
Well hello you! It's been a while. I'm still here, just plugging away at life. Not dead yet as they say. I wasn't sure if I'd actually write a blog post telling you I've been away from it all, but frankly speaking I didn't want to shock you when you start seeing blog posts pop up in your …