I know that there are many of you who are waiting with bated breath to find out just how this whole Top 30 Favourite Vancouver Mom Blogger vote went. I can tell you that I've been on pins and needles myself. Oh, that's because I've been sitting on actual pins and needles. Never mind. Anyway, …
3 tips you can use right now to step into your awesomeness
This post is part of a series, From Crap to Snap: A Woman's Guide to Getting it Right. 'Crap' refers to negative thoughts, peppered with self-doubt swirling around in the head. 'Snap' refers to the break though moment as you realize the crap no longer has to define you. My hope is that in …
Father’s Day: Daddy gets a new name!
The month of June is all about Dad More specifically, this month is all about my baby daddy, The Serious One. My baby daddy is in serious need of a new nickname. As you may or may not know I've been calling my partner by the moniker 'The Serious One' since starting this blog back in the …