If it weren't for the enormous amount of laundry we do in this house I'm not sure what I would spend my time doing. It consumes my every waking thought, especially when its growth reaches epic proportions.The laundry in the photo above was particularly gorgeous but not nearly as massive a pile as it …
4 Ways to avoid breaking the bank this Christmas
Does anyone else think that Christmas gets more and more expensive with every year? Sure, there are outside factors like inflation, the exchange rate, and the fact that as kids get older, they tend to want more expensive loot. Think about it - during your little one's first Christmas, it was …
You are of advanced maternal age: What are you thinking?
What am I thinking, raising a child this late in life? Maybe I AM too old to raise a young child? I'll be the oldest mom at the playground. I won't be able to keep up with him at the park. People will think I'm his grandmother. The first time I heard the term "advanced maternal age" was when I …