This is a guest post by Scott Susin. So what is class composition? When looking at defining terms, I like to break them down piece by piece. So let’s do that with this one; Class ~ the class to which a teacher teaches, pretty straight forward Composition ~ the make up of the class in which a …
New Series Coming to W Network this Summer: The Audience!
Can someone solve a major life dilemma with the help of 50 strangers? I'm here to tell you that it IS possible but it isn't easy. Or rather, it WASN'T. What's this I'm going on about you ask? Well, it's something that I've had to keep a lid on for nearly two years now. And I am so excited to …
UPDATED! The Shocking Truth about Class Size and Composition in BC Public Schools
Guest Post: This blog post was written in collaboration with Mission BC teacher Scott Susin. This post is part of what is becoming an ongoing dialogue (on this blog) about the state of public education in BC. If you want to read more, you can find the latest post on budget cuts here.There's more …