Put in the form of a question, "What is the biggest gift you can give your children?" What was your answer? Was it spending quality time with your kids? Or maybe your first thought was giving them more attention? Tell them that you love them more often? Or was it a playful …
Mamas, Munchkins and Mutts
I recently had the pleasure of hosting an event for Modern Mama that I believe will be a game changer. It was Mamas, Munchkins and Mutts and was held at the Bone and Bowl in the Olympic Village. It was a small event, which Modern Mama does best, and it's focus was on Kids and Dog Safety. …
Decision Making: How should we educate our child?
With the school year in full swing, or rather now that my son OLM has 'graduated' to the 3-5 room at daycare I can breathe again. The transition was pretty seamless although there were a few regressions to note. When he moved up to the big kid's room he started to insist on having his milk put in …