Here on the west coast we don't see a lot of snow or extreme weather that affects our ability to stay connected to what's going on outside our four walls. This winter especially has been particularly awesome in my books but I'm not a skier. Our local mountains suffered tremendously as did …
The Healing Power of Touch
Last night, after a weekend spent hiking in the forest, bike riding on the seawall and spinning around just a little too fast, even for my liking, on the playground merry-go-round, my son and I counted nineteen scrapes, bruises, and cuts on his little legs and feet. I told him it meant he was having …
How do you get your white clothes whiter? There’s an App for that.
How do you get your white clothes whiter? There's an APP for that I'm a tech geek at heart I admit, if only for the convenience it affords me. I like my free time too much to waste on household chores that take time away from the more important things like writing, catching up on sleep and …