This is the third installment in the series, Oh Snapshots! A Modern Day Workout? These days any type of workout that leads to drinking is a good thing. I'm all about reward. When you've got a little one running your life you've got to carve out pockets of time for yourself. And if your workout …
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WE Day | In the Presence of Giants
My friend and I had the distinct pleasure of attending WE Day 2013. We were fortunate enough to get great seats in the press box which had a spectacular view of the show and the crowd of 20,000 inspired school-aged kids who had earned their way there. We also had the opportunity to sit in on a press …
Cheap Wine Finds | 5 Ways to (Not) Enjoy Barefoot Wine
I recently had the *ahem* pleasure of sampling Barefoot White Zinfandel. It comes in a very attractive bottle as you can see in the photo above. I love the blush colour, the label is pretty and the name is cute. There is a label on the bottle itself that says that Barefoot Wines are the most awarded …