Update! We've nearly reached our goal for the Christmas Hamper Have a look at the list below and see what's left. (Just so you know, if you're worried that your contribution will get to me on time, Amazon is killing it with delivery. I got one of your donations the very next day.) *** I love …
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Giving Back at Christmas: Holiday Gift Guide Advent Calendar
Are you ready for Christmas? Me neither! I thought I would be ready, I had every intention of being ready but well, life gets in the way. And I was pretty sick for a few weeks so there's that. I'm feeling better, however it seems there is something a bit off with my heart. I'm told it's too …
Holiday Gift Guide: Donate Christmas Gifts to Families in Need and a GIVEAWAY, Part 1
At Christmas time there's nothing more special than being able to make kids smile. Unfortunately many kids right here in Vancouver don't have enough food to eat, never mind waking up knowing there are presents under the Christmas tree. This edition of the 2015 Holiday Gift Guide is about …