With the school year in full swing, or rather now that my son OLM has ‘graduated’ to the 3-5 room at daycare I can breathe again. The transition was pretty seamless although there were a few regressions to note.
When he moved up to the big kid’s room he started to insist on having his milk put in a bottle. And he’s been taking his ratty-looking ‘Doggy’ to daycare too that’s been through the wash more times than his dirty underwear.
We’ve also been struggling with potty training, even though I took a workshop a few weeks back and thought I had it sorted. But, obviously, that shiz isn’t up to me. And now he refuses to poop. Seriously, I feel sorry for his teachers today who may have to deal with the mess that is a three-year old’s backed up nether regions. Lordy, I am not looking forward to pick up today!
Regressions are Normal, But…
These regressions are pretty minor and normal I’m sure. But when it comes time to decide how to educate our child in the more formal sense. you know, the big kid’s big school, what are we in for? And besides that, what kind of schools are out there that will best serve the needs of our child?
There’s been talk about homeschooling in some of my ‘social circles’ lately. And there’s also been talk of using programs online to educate our kids. I’ve heard of programs that are free, some that are extremely expensive and some that are just plain nonsensical and strange.
I know of a family who had homeschooling all planned out and then they moved to an area where there is a school right across the street. So guess what? When you have a collection of kiddies to mind, it’s easier to go with the convenient choice. I might do the same if I thought it would save me my sanity because it’s hard enough just being a parent to a Tasmanian devil *cough* I mean OLM, (which is an acronym for Our Little Monkey OR Monster depending on the day if you didn’t know).
Public School, Montessori, French Immersion…Oh my!
There’s also been talk in my neighbourhood of sending all the kids to the same public school which happens to be about fifteen blocks away. We’d take turns herding the lot of them by way of a walking school bus. It sounds sweet and great in theory, until it rains. Or one of them has to poop.
Then there’s Montessori, private schools, French Immersion and so many more options that my head is spinning and probably won’t stop until I have that glass of wine I’ve been pining for.
I know I still have time to think about it. And I know that I need to consider what is in the best interest of my child. But I am also thinking that what we decide has to suit the entire family. Is that wrong?
I’ve some time still to decide even though when I look back at these past three years it’s a freakin’ blur. I suppose for now I ‘should’ enjoy the two days that OLM is in daycare to write and work and dream about my life.
But that decision is looming as time flies by like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana. Now now… it’s better to try to be funny than not. It’s the thought that counts.
How did you decide to educate your child? Or, if your kids are still too young, what are your plans for their education?
Thanks for reading.
Ugh I know what you mean. About the choice of school and the wine, of course:)
And I hope you don’t move soon, I will miss you!
Thanks for you comment Cynthia. It’s not going to be an easy decision to be sure.
My daughter Piper is only 1 1/2 and I’m already thinking about big kid school too. Lots of time to stress and ruminate over what the best decision will be. hehehe Hope your decision comes easily to you!
Not a decision I take lightly or look forward to.
I have great anxiety thinking of schools for my kids! Besides everything being different than where I grew up, I also worry that we may move between now and then (no plans yet but you never know). The choice of school would have to change due to location change etc. Glad to have my glass of vino in hand to make me forget the worries about that for a minute! EEEEKK!!!
Wow. So many choices!!