On Sunday, November 4th 2012 I attended the the 2nd annual MomInc Movement conference in Burnaby, BC. I had attended last year which inspired this blog journey so I was excited to see what they had in store. I was hoping to take things to the next level and I wasn’t disappointed.
In the year since attending the first MomInc Movement conference I’ve learned to cultivate the overwhelming desire I have to share some of what I was learning as a new mom. I felt drawn to tell some of my stories and frankly, I needed to fill a void that comes with not working and taking care of my tiny little person who is entirely dependant on me for everything. It’s difficult to spend too much time out trying to do ‘adult’ activities as I never know when the ‘NO’S!’ will make me want to crawl into a corner and hide. Naps are given the highest priority which means we spend an awful lot of time inside.
Being a new mom with a cranky two-year old has its lonely moments to say the least. And because being a mom to a toddler over 40 is still somewhat unusual, there’s not many of my peers left who are doing the baby thing at this ripe old age. I joke. I only feel old most of the time. I need to reach out and meet other new moms in order to get my life back and find people who could commiserate.
My Heart Soars
Writing this blog can be cathartic and I often find myself witness to the process rather than the one doing the writing. It’s as if something takes over and flow happens. Mostly though, writing inspires a sense of something greater than myself and through that an abundance of more love and compassion than I thought possible. But, I don’t often think about it until I’m reminded by events like today, or a reader emails me or stops me on the street to say,
“I was just reading some of your blog…Good for you for having the courage…It’s terrific to see that you’re working so hard at it and keeping a positive attitude. We all know how difficult it is…”
“I’m a reader of your blog…you have inspired me”
And then, my heart soars.
Thank you for that. Your kind words let me know that I am making a difference and tells me that this is what I need to be doing. Sometimes, I wish that I had more moments like these to remind me. Ah, but it’s best I’m not greedy. It would make them less sweet if there were too many.
The connections I’ve made in the past year since starting this blog has opened up a world I never thought possible. I’m one who enjoys her own company and doesn’t need to be social all the time. It makes networking a challenge. But when I’ve had enough of my own company there are many wonderful people I call friends that’ll hang out with me.
Conference Wrap Up
There was a ton of great stuff I took away from the conference today. I’m still reeling from it all so here’s a list. I’ll probably have more to say another time, but this momma needs her sleep.
The List
I had my heart chakra opened up with Reiki.
I had my makeup jazzed up, my hair styled with curls that wouldn’t quit and photos taken to show it all off.
I stood up and revealed the barriers I know get in the way of my confidence and belief in myself to a room full of people I didn’t know.
I attended workshops on social media, Facebook marketing, public relations that got the gears moving on how to take my blog to the next level.
And most importantly I shared the room with women who in the face of uncertainty or worse, the loss of a child, inspired me through raw courage, love, compassion and determination.
Thank you Carol Todd, for continuing to spread Amanda’s urgent message on preventing and educating us on the effects of bullying. You are making a difference and are one of the bravest women I’ve had the honour to be present with.
Thank you MomInc Movement for making this possible and for the possibilities I have found anew for myself.
I agree! I loved Wonder Woman, it really was spectacular. The woman’s voice reminded me of Amanda’s somehow in a Youtube video I saw of her singing.
I was so zonked after the tradeshow that I forgot to mention it in this post! I will be sharing that song as soon as I get it from Itunes.
Thanks for taking the time to comment here:) Glad you enjoyed the post.
Great post and glad to hear that you had such an enjoyable time!
The founders did an awesome job, for sure and I was happy that I was able to connect them to Carol Todd and my good friend Adam Hurstfield to speak at the event!
Carol is definitely an amazing and strong woman, in light of what happened to her daugher.
Adam is also amazing too and a good friend, even to people he didn’t know previously, like Carol, but who felt compelled to take a stand and help people if he is able.