This post is being revived from the archives today because I feel like there’s some lovin’ that’s missing from my life.
In the post below, I outlined a challenge I did a couple of years ago and because I recently completed the #PoloWeightLoss Challenge. I’m feeling more hopeful that I have in such a long time and feel like I finally have a handle on what’s been getting me down. I’ve dropped nearly 30 pounds and that feels really good.
Hope is an amazing thing. Feeling hopeful that I can lick this weight loss thing for good is such a relief and with the help of the Pound a Day Program by Dr. Polo I am on track to better health both physical and mental. I feel amazing too and for the first time in a long time I feel in control of my life and what I put in my mouth.
There is still a big hurdle to overcome however and it’s one I’ve been dealing with my entire life and one of the main reasons I started this blog.
I’m still struggling with negative self talk. Here’s the original post and challenge I am starting up again today.
Hungry for Change
I’ve recently watched the documentary Hungry For Change on Netflix. I recommend you watch it to if you struggle with food issues or are trying to figure out how to change your diet and or you’re looking for a new perspective. You will be challenged to change the way you look at food, your life and how you talk to yourself. You might even start juicing! And you may decide like I did that you’re ready to take on a challenge to improve your life in a subtle yet hugely impactful way.
Setting A New Intention: Self Love
In the bathroom I have put a sign up on the mirror that I can look at every morning. It will prompt me to take a minute and say this,
‘I accept myself unconditionally as I am, right now.’
The idea is to say these words out loud every morning for 30 days. As I look into my own two eyes the idea is that I let the words sink in and to listen for any negative messages that surface. When they do I’ll repeat the affirmation gently to myself until I feel more at ease.
According to author Louise Hay, if I plant this affirmation in my head every day there will be a paradigm shift that occurs around day 28. Sounds good to me!
I could use a little more self-love in my life and of course my family will benefit from me being kinder to myself. Does this sound a bit too new agey? Well, there is science to back how self-love improves our health. Watch the doc, Hungry For Change and be amazed.
My Challenge
Today is December 18th, 2012 and this challenge ends January 16th 2013. March 5th so this challenge officially ends on April 3rd 2015.
Do you want to join me? All you need to do is write an affirmation on a sticky note, put it up on your mirror and start giving yourself a little more lovin’!
If you’d like to read more posts in the 50 Days to Grace series, this is a good place to start.
Thanks for reading.
Change the Way You Eat: To make sure you reduce the quantity of food you eat,
make it a habit to drink water and eat snacks that are healthy all
through the day so that your rate of intake is not increased at meal time.
Crash diets and starvation has become a part of people’s lifestyle.
Yes you can lose weight fast but this doesn.