This past weekend, I attending Leading Moms at the Granville Island Arts Club Revue Stage. It was a day of inspiration, with plenty of laughter and tears to be had as we listened to an amazing lineup of women whose stories were remarkable. With the theme of PLAY running throughout the day, it gave me pause to think and write about how much I actually play with OLM. I wrote a post about my biggest lesson learned there.
It’s not that I don’t play with him because I do. But sometimes when I am behind at writing or planning events over at Modern Mama, or just planning my next moves I get distracted and feel the pull of work over play. But, as you may have already guessed I’m pushing back.
My three-year old is a superhero fanatic.
On any given day, you’ll see him wearing something superhero-esque whether it is his Batman t-shirt with cape attached or his Spidey undies, now that he is on the road to potty training. Woo hoo! It’s awesome to imagine that he’ll one day not need me to wipe his bum!
But I digress. This post is about my little superhero.
Mama is still working on the painting part. He’s a squiggly little Spiderman/Flash/Unknown Superhero.
Here he is showing off his Superhero strength. My, what strong arms he has!
Here is Superhero Part 2 which took place after nap time. I liked the yellow mask by itself but OLM insisted on being Batman. Who can blame him really?
Don’t you just want to eat him up?
Here’s my promise to you, OLM. I promise to put work aside more often and play with you every. single. day. Because I love you more than the air I breathe, and more than the Salted Caramel Mocha at Starbucks. And that’s saying a lot.
Seriously sweetie. I just love you up.
awww he is just sooo cute i could totally eat him up!!! great job on the face paints I would have failed miserably at that!! I love it