I haven't been this excited in a long time. As a non-closet science geek, because anyone who knows me knows that I have a deep love of scientific explanations for pretty much everything and would never hide it, I am over the moon to participate in an adult-only science everything field trip! We are …
It’s Snowing in Vancouver. Time for a Christmas GIVEAWAY!
Whaaat? It's snowing in Vancouver? Whaaat? Shut the front door! No, seriously it's been snowing most of the day and while not a lot is sticking in our (downtown area) neck of the woods, it's cold out thar! Our fair city is not ready for this. It's mayhem on the roads and with only one snowplough …
Giving to others at Christmas means so much
My son OLM, the Serious One and I delivered the Christmas hamper to our sponsor family on the 21st of December. We were invited in for tea and spent a lovely time getting to know *Sonya and her son *Timothy. As I mentioned in my previous post I could have been in her shoes had I not had …