What are you learning about love from your kids?
When you watch a child immersed in something they love to do, whether it’s telling stories or creating something unrecognizable out of clay, what do you see?
Do you see a mess to clean up?
Do you see a blob of greyish clay that’s been exposed to the air too long and is now a crumbled mess on the floor? Or are you connected to the moment, engrossed in the activity with wondrous anticipation of what they might make or say next?
I admit, sometimes I see the mess. But I’m learning to let that go.
I want to learn about love. Love of the moment. Love of this child and love for myself and my ability to let go, be silly and have fun.
Love Can’t Wait
You’ve probably heard the old adage, love can wait. I’m here to tell you that it the furthest thing from the truth when it comes to your kids.
What I am discovering is love can’t wait. If you’re distracted or otherwise not paying attention your children will think they have to wait for you to show them that what they are doing matters.
I am learning that when I am with him I need to not only pay attention but get my hands dirty, and listen with rapt attention to the tales he tells that are entirely fabricated and hilarious.
I might not understand how to be a parent most of the time, but what I do know for sure is that my kid teaches me more about love, and pretty much everything else, than I ever thought possible.
So, what are you learning about love from your kids?
Happy Valentine’s Day
Thanks for reading.
I love this piece, especially the piece about how love cannot wait. I couldn’t agree more!