Disclaimer: I am not a food critic but I love to eat. When I find something I love, whether it’s food or a new product or event in town, it is in my nature to tell people about it. I don’t often write negative reviews but tonight is an exception and although I don’t reveal the name of the restaurant in this piece, I believe there are enough of you out there who have had the same experience at this establishment that haven’t spoken up. You just didn’t go back. Perhaps we are gluttons for punishment, or maybe we just want to help.
We went to our local watering hole tonight for dinner with great trepidation. We were nervous because the last few times we haven’t had a great experience with the food but we thought we’d go in for a drink, being happy hour and all, but one drink led to another and before we knew it we were hungry.
We thought we were safe with the starter we ordered, but sadly, it was overcooked. When we were asked how everything was, we couldn’t lie, we felt like we had to be honest. So we told the server and she happily sent it back. So we stayed for another drink. Before we knew it, it was time to pick up our son.
We discussed moving restaurants for a chance of better fare but knowing that our son would enjoy the kid’s meal so we stayed. The Serious One popped over to the daycare and picked up OLM while I hung back, finishing my cheap-ish beer.
When he returned we ordered food for our little guy and as we perused the menu for ourselves we realized how limited our choices had become. But we weren’t giving up, not yet. Being the forever optimist, I suggested that perhaps they had made improvements since the last time we were there. Surely other patrons had the same issues and the kitchen had adjusted accordingly. And they must have taken to heart what we said the last time we were there. And the time before that.
So we ordered.
We’d always been safe with the burger so that’s what we ordered. I chose the bacon, cheese and mushroom burger and the Serious One ordered the same but skipped the mushrooms. it turned out he had made the better choice but only marginally. The mushrooms were oversalted and the bacon was more like salted pulled pork. And then there were the fries. I could have opened a salt factory with all that excess sodium!
The only reasons I could think of to put so much salt in the food was the inexperience of the kitchen staff or to encourage more beer drinking. But isn’t that old school? Surely good food and company is enough of a reason? I don’t need salt in my food to stimulate my taste buds in order to consume more beer. I will do that on my own, thank you very much.
Most people wouldn’t try as hard as we did and most wouldn’t say anything at all. They’d just pay and might even leave a decent tip because they wouldn’t want to be rude and then leave. They wouldn’t come back and they’d tell their friends.
It’s not that the service was bad at all, in fact service staff were more than pleasant and helpful. And frankly, some of the staff agree with our concern. We left a decent tip because we didn’t want the service staff to suffer. And although we voiced our concerns, again, and our food bill was covered, again, somehow I think that is not enough.
The restaurant across the way was hopping tonight and yours was not. So, I am writing this post as a last-ditch effort to help. Atmosphere and view can only take you so far so it’s time to take a serious look into what is going on in the kitchen.
Seriously guys, hold the salt!
There are many, many restaurants within walking distance that we can choose from. I hope that your establishment will continue to be one of them.
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