It's not often that I come across a wine that I want to buy every time I go to the liquor store. And it's not very often that I find one that is perfect all on it's own. This past summer I attended a blogger event hosted by Apothic Wines and was pleasantly surprised to discover that I found a …
Last Minute Halloween Ideas
Don't you just love the holiday season? (Halloween is a holiday, right?) The holidays are a time to celebrate, kick back with friends and well any excuse to party is a-ok. And we live in an amazing community in the city but you'd think it was a small town for all the warm, fuzzy connection type …
Favourite Things: 2015 Holiday Gift Guide
There's only eight more weeks until Christmas Eve, can you believe it? (Now before you throw your phone....Stop! You don't want to waste your biggest Santa 'Ask' for a new mobile do you? Ok, now that we're chill... Seriously though this mama is going to be PREPARED come the big day …