6 Home security tips for after-school safety We have a few years before we are comfortable with OLM being home alone as he's just started kindergarten...woohoo! *ahem* but when I was a kid of maybe ten years old, I was not only at home by myself, (with my two younger sisters) but I was walking …
Dust allergies? Feel better with Hoover Floormate® SteamScrub™ 2-IN-1
Do you enjoy a cleaning your home but have dust allergies that prevent you from getting down and dirty? Do you get all itchy and scratchy at the thought of dusting and scrubbing and would rather ignore the corners and crevices that don't see the light of day? Me too. Now that I am a mom (it's …
#BucketListYVR Challenge: Meeting Robin Esrock for a Sliding Adventure
Do you have a bucket list? When you think of bucket lists do you think big, scary adrenaline rush type stuff? Do you think bungee jumping, skydiving, or subjecting yourself to ice cold temperatures of -110 °C? So does Robin Esrock, author of bestselling book, The Great Canadian Bucket …