NONE of my kids could care less about Pink Shirt Day….I don’t think a bully THINKS of themselves as a bully..not perhaps until too late or well into their adulthood. I also think the word bully is now overused for everything….I constantly hear my 5 yr old say so and so was bullying me and no, they weren’t…being snarky or disagreeing with a kid is not bullying..the word has lost it’s meaning and strength. I also think the campaign does nothing when schools have not ever addressed the issue or how to deal with the behavior…all we ever hear at our school is ‘you all need to be friends’ which just causes a lot of eyerolling from the kids. Until schools and parents truly understand how kids work nothing will change.
NONE of my kids could care less about Pink Shirt Day….I don’t think a bully THINKS of themselves as a bully..not perhaps until too late or well into their adulthood. I also think the word bully is now overused for everything….I constantly hear my 5 yr old say so and so was bullying me and no, they weren’t…being snarky or disagreeing with a kid is not bullying..the word has lost it’s meaning and strength. I also think the campaign does nothing when schools have not ever addressed the issue or how to deal with the behavior…all we ever hear at our school is ‘you all need to be friends’ which just causes a lot of eyerolling from the kids. Until schools and parents truly understand how kids work nothing will change.