Today is Thanksgiving…
in our little part of the world. As we celebrate this holiday in Canada we do it somewhat differently than our Southern neighbours. While the Americans are giving thanks and remembering the Pilgrimage, Canadians follow along a more European tradition of celebrating and paying homage to the harvest. I like this idea a lot.
October is Harvest Time…
north of the 49th parallel and so it makes sense that we would celebrate Thanksgiving now. I wrote a post for Vancouver Mom about my community gardening experience and how it relates to the harvest season. I’d love for you to read it.
Random Thoughts of Thanks
It’s important to take time to be thankful for the bounty of food that surrounds us. Some aren’t so lucky. Thank you for feeding me.
Today, the sun is shining and it’s wonderful! We’ve had such an amazing fall season and I feel fortunate that I can soak up some of that sunshine, in between naps. Thank you for warming my body and fueling my spirit.
Sleep has eluded me most night the past few weeks, so I’m still needing to take naps when I can. This weekend was all about that for me and the Serious One. The extra day off was such a blessing. And now that OLM is napping himself and I feel more rested I have the energy to write this. Thank you for healing me.
We are going to a local restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner this year. We wanted to celebrate the festivities with friends but without the hassle of planning the meal, shopping, cooking, cleaning and all the rest that comes with. I am grateful that someone else will be doing that this year. Thank you for serving me.
I am feeling inspired and hopeful that next year I can prepare a lovely dinner for my friends and family. I love it when after a good nap I feel more open and willing to extend myself to those I love. When I don’t sleep, I don’t do that so much. Thank you for inspiring me.
And last but certainly not least, I am so glad that you are here and you care about what I have to say. Thank you for reading.
I will think of you and all that I am thankful for tonight when I raise my glass in a toast to all of it!
I’m thankful that you chose me to be in your life. I’m thankful for our lovely little boy, I’m thankful for what’s I our corner of the universe.